My name is Annika (which not even Word believes, but it still is), and I’m 24 years old. I live and work in Belgium but hold a British passport, and, at the behest of my employers, I am about to embark on a 4351 mile journey to Pune, India, where I will remain for the next nine weeks. A visual aid for your reference (thank you NASA):

Things you need to know about me: I’ll have no travelling companion, and I’m a total homebody. I like my creature comforts and I usually prefer in to out. I’ve never been further east than Bodrum, Turkey, or further west than Boston, America. I also have the mind of an eight year old; I am far too easily amused, and will always choose a toyshop over a fashionable boutique (seriously).
I am also lazy, so proofread posts will be few and far between. You have been warned.
And now, on with the show!
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